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This appendix contains detailed information on how to organize quantitative MRI data in the BIDS format.

Method-specific priority levels for grouping suffix

Some of the metadata entries are REQUIRED for specific qMRI methods. These metadata are laid-out in the table below.

Table of method-specific priority levels for qMRI metadata

Grouping suffix REQUIRED metadata OPTIONAL metadata
VFA FlipAngle, PulseSequenceType, RepetitionTimeExcitation SpoilingRFPhaseIncrement
IRT1 InversionTime
MP2RAGE FlipAngle, InversionTime, RepetitionTimeExcitation, RepetitionTimePreperation, NumberShots EchoTime
MESE EchoTime
MEGRE EchoTime
MTS FlipAngle, MTState, RepetitionTimeExcitation
MPM FlipAngle, MTState, RepetitionTimeExcitation EchoTime
B1DAM FlipAngle

Explanation of the table:

  • The metadata fields listed in the REQUIRED column are needed to perform a minimum viable qMRI application for the corresponding grouping suffix.
  • Note that some of the metadata fields may be unaltered across different members of a given grouped scan collection, yet still needed as an input to a qMRI model for parameter fitting (e.g. RepetitionTimeExcitation of VFA) and therefore should be included in all json-sidecars.
  • The metadata fields listed in the OPTIONAL column can be used to derive various qMRI applications from an existing grouping suffix.

The following section expands on the set of rules to derive novel qMRI applications from an existing grouping suffix.

How to derive the intended qMRI application from an ambiguous grouping suffix

Certain grouping suffixes may refer to a generic data collection regime such as variable flip angle (VFA), rather than a more specific acquisition, e.g., magnetization prepared two gradient echoes (MP2RAGE). Such generic acquisitions can serve as a basis to derive various qMRI applications by changes to the acquisition sequence (e.g. readout) type or varying additional scan parameters.

If such an inheritance relationship is applicable between an already existing grouping suffix and a new qMRI application to be included in the specification, the inheritor qMRI method MUST be listed in the table below instead of introducing a new grouping suffix. This approach:

  • prevents the list of available suffixes from over-proliferation
  • provides qMRI-focused BIDS applications with a set of meta-data driven rules to infer possible fitting options
  • keep an inheritance track of the qMRI methods described within the specification.

Table of qMRI applications that can be derived from an existing grouping suffix

Grouping suffix If REQUIRED metadata == Value OPTIONAL metadata [var/fix]* Derived application
VFA PulseSequenceType == SPGR DESPOT1
VFA PulseSequenceType == SSFP SpoilingRFPhaseIncrement [fix] DESPOT2
VFA PulseSequenceType == SSFP SpoilingRFPhaseIncrement [var] DESPOT2-FM
MP2RAGE EchoTime [var] MP2RAGE-ME
MPM EchoTime [var] MPM-ME

* var denotes that the listed OPTIONAL metadata value changes across constituent images of the respective grouping suffix, fixed otherwise (fix). If the OPTIONAL metadata type is var, respective naming entities can be found in the OPTIONAL entities column of grouping suffix table.

A derived qMRI application becomes avaiable if all the OPTIONAL metadata fields listed for a grouping suffix is provided for the data. In addition, conditional rules based on the value of a given REQUIRED metada field can be set for the description of a derived qMRI application. Note that the value of this REQUIRED metadata is fixed across constituent images of a grouping suffix.

For example, if the REQUIRED metadata field of PulseSequenceType is SPGR for a collection of anatomical images listed by the VFA suffix, the data qualifies for DESPOT1 T1 fitting. For the same suffix, if the PulseSequenceType metadata field has the value of SSFP, and the SpoilingRFPhaseIncrement is provided as a metadata field, then the dataset becomes eligible for DESPOT2 T2 fitting application. Finally, if the DESPOT2 data has more than one SpoilingRFPhaseIncrement field as a metadata field, then the dataset is valid for DESPOT2-FM. In this case, rfphase entity can be used to distinguish inputs.

Please note that OPTIONAL metadata fields listed in the qMRI applications that can be derived from an existing suffix table](#varianttable) MUST also be included in the method sprecific priority levels for qMRI metadata table for the sake of completeness.

Please also note that the rules concerning the presence/value of certain metadata fields within the context of grouping suffix is not a part of the BIDS validation process. Such rules rather constitute a centralized guideline for creating interoperable qMRI datasets.

For a dataset with a grouping suffix, the BIDS validation is successful if:

  • provided NIfTI and JSON file names respect the anatomy imaging dataset template
  • provided suffixes are present in the list of available suffixes
  • sidecar JSON files follow the hierarchy defined for grouping suffix.

Introducing a new qMRI grouping suffix

In the future, novel qMRI applications will be introduced that are not yet described by the BIDS. If such applications can not be interpreted as a subset of a pre-existing grouping suffix, a new grouping suffix can be introduced, but should adhere to the following principles:

  • All grouping suffixes MUST be capitalized.
  • Grouping suffixes MUST attain a clear description of the qMRI application that they relate to. Hyperlinks to example applications and/or more detailed descriptions are encouraged whenever possible.
  • Unless the pulse sequence is exclusively associated with a specific qMRI application (e.g. MP2RAGE), sequence names are NOT used as grouping suffixes.
  • If it is possible to derive a qMRI application from an already existing grouping suffix by defining a set of logical conditions over the metadata fields, the table of method-specific priority levels and the table of qMRI applications that can be derived from an existing grouping suffix MUST be expanded instead of introducing a new grouping suffix. Please visit the JSON content for grouping suffixes for further details.
  • Please note that if a structural data has the type of grouped scan collection, the use of _suffix alone cannot distinguish its members from each other, failing to identify their roles as inputs to the calculation of qMRI maps. Although such images are REQUIRED to be grouped by a proper grouping suffix, they are also RECOMMENDED to include at least one of the acq, part, echo, met, inv-key/value-pairs to indicate which scanning parameters are systematically altered.

Management of the qMRI maps

All qMRI maps are generated following a set of calculations. Unlike conventional MR images, they are not products of an MRI image reconstruction (from k-space data to structural images). There are two possible options in the way a qMRI map is obtained:

  1. Pre-generated qMRI maps: The qMRI maps are generated immediately after the reconstruction of the multi-contrast input images and made available to the user at the scanner console. The acquisition scenarios may include (a) vendor pipelines or (b) open-source pipelines deployed at the scanner site.
  2. Post-generated qMRI maps: The qMRI maps are generated from the multi-contrast input images after they are exported outside of the scanner site.

Where to place qMRI maps?

If the provenance record of the qMRI map generation is NOT accessible:

Although qMRI maps are derivatives by definition, we cannot relate them to their multi-contrast input images in this case. Therefore, qMRI maps lacking provenance are directly placed at the /sub-#/anat directory.

If the provenance record of the qMRI map generation is available:

In this case, qMRI maps SHOULD be stored in the derivatives folder, but MAY be symbolic linked to the corresponding raw data directory to facilitate the easy use of these images as inputs to the processing workflows implemented as BIDS-apps. For example:

 ├── derivatives/
 |   └── qMRI-software/
 |       └── sub-01/
 |           └── anat/
 |               ├── sub-01_T1map.nii.gz ─────────┐ S
 |               ├── sub-01_T1map.json   ───────┐ | Y
 |               ├── sub-01_MTsat.nii.gz ─────┐ | | M
 |               └── sub-01_MTsat.json   ───┐ | | | L 
 └── sub-01/                                | | | | I
     └── anat/                              | | | | N
         ├── sub-01_T1w.nii.gz              | | | | K
         ├── sub-01_T1w.json                | | | | 
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_mt-on_MTS.nii.gz   | | | | T
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_mt-on_MTS.json     | | | | O 
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_mt-off_MTS.nii.gz  | | | | 
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_mt-off_MTS.json    | | | | A
         ├── sub-01_fa-2_mt-off_MTS.nii.gz  | | | | N
         ├── sub-01_fa-2_mt-off_MTS.json    | | | | A
         ├── sub-01_T1map.nii.gz ◀──────────├─├─├─┘ T
         ├── sub-01_T1map.json   ◀──────────├─├─┘   
         ├── sub-01_MTsat.nii.gz ◀──────────├─┘
         └── sub-01_MTsat.json   ◀──────────┘ 

In the example above, outputs of the MTS that are placed under the derivatives folder are symbolic linked to the respective anat folder. This way, an application can easily pick up a qMRI map along with other anatomical images.

Which metadata fields should a qMRI map contain?

If the provenance record of the qMRI map generation is NOT accessible:

JSON content is confined to the metadata made available for the pre-generated qMRI map.

If the provenance record of the qMRI map generation is available:

JSON file of the qMRI map MUST inherit metadata from its parent images (typically a grouped scan collection) by adhering to the following rules: * All the acquisition parameters that are unchanged across constituents of a grouped scan collection are added to the JSON file of the resultant qMRI map. * Relevant acquisition parameters that vary across constituents of a grouped scan collection are added to the JSON file of the resultant qMRI map in array form.

To find out which varying scan parameters are relevant to a given grouped scan collection, please see the method-specific priority levels for qMRI metadata above. * The JSON file accompanying a qMRI map which is obtained by using open-source software MUST include all the metadata fields listed in the following table for the sake of provenance.

Field name Definition
BasedOn List of files grouped by an grouping suffix to generate the map. Fieldmaps are also listed, if involved in the processing.
EstimationReference Reference to the study/studies on which the implementation is based.
EstimationAlgorithm Type of algoritm used to perform fitting (e.g. linear, non-linear, LM etc.)
EstimationSoftwareName The name of the open-source tool used for fitting (e.g. qMRLab, QUIT, hMRI-Toolbox etc.)
EstimationSoftwareVer Version of the open-source tool used for fitting (e.g. v2.3.0 etc.)
EstimationSoftwareLang Language in which the software is natively developed (e.g. MATLAB R2018b, C++17, Python 3.6 etc.)
EstimationSoftwareEnv Operation system on which the application was run (e.g. OSX 10.14.3, Ubuntu 18.04, Win10 etc.)



<<Parameter injected by the software for provenance recording>>


<<Parameters that are constant across members of VFA grouping suffix>>

“MagneticFieldStrength”: “3”,
“Manufacturer”: “Siemens”,
“ManufacturerModelName”: “TrioTim”,
“InstitutionName”: “xxx”,
“PulseSequenceType”: “SPGR”,
“PulseSequenceDetails”: “Information beyond the sequence type that identifies
 specific pulse sequence used (VB version, if not standard, Siemens WIP XXX
 ersion ### sequence written by xx using a version compiled on mm/dd/yyyy/)”,
"RepetitionTimeExcitation": "35",
"EchoTime": "2.86",
"SliceThickness": "5",

<<Relevant parameters that vary across members of VFA grouping suffix>>

"FlipAngle": ["5","10","15","20"],

<<Additional parameters injected by the software for provenance recording>>

"EstimationPaper":"Deoni et. al.MRM, 2015",
“EstimationSoftwareName”: “qMRLab”,
“EstimationSoftwareLanguage”: “Octave”,
“EstimationSoftwareVersion”: “2.3.0”,
“EstimationSoftwareEnv”: “Ubuntu 16.04”

Radiofrequency (RF) field mapping

Most qMRI methods are susceptible to nonuniformities in the transmit (B1+) and/or receive (B1-) radiofrequency (RF) fields. Various (acquisition based) methods are available to derive maps of spatial variations in the B1+ and B1- fields. These maps are commonly used for the correction of qMRI estimation errors arising from the imperfections in the respective RF field.

An approach similar to that used in anatomical MR images to group a set of input images intended for qMRI application (grouping suffix) is applied for the inputs of B1+ and B1- RF field mapping. Note that these images do not convey substantial structural information by design. Therefore, both inputs and outputs of RF field maps are stored in the fmap folder.

Grouping suffixes for RF field mapping

Name Suffix Type Description
Double-angle B1+ mapping TB1DAM RF Grouping Groups images for B1+ field mapping (Insko and Bolinger 1993). Double angle method is based on the calculation of the actual angles from signal ratios, collected by two acquisitions at different nominal excitation flip angles. Common sequence types for this application include spin echo and echo planar imaging. Associated output suffixes: TB1map
B1+ mapping with 3D EPI TB1EPI RF Grouping Groups images for B1+ field mapping (Jiru and Klose 2006). This method is based on two EPI readouts to acquire spin echo (SE) and stimulated echo (STE) images at multiple flip angles in one sequence, used in the calculation of deviations from the nominal flip angle. Associated output suffixes: TB1map
Actual Flip Ange Imaging (AFI) TB1AFI RF Grouping Groups images for B1+ field mapping (Yarnykh 2007). This method calculates a B1+ map from two images acquired at interleaved (two) TRs with identical RF pulses using a steady-state sequence. Associated output suffixes: TB1map
Siemens tfl_b1_map TB1TFL RF Grouping Groups images acquired using tfl_b1_map product sequence by Siemens based on the method by Chung et al. (2010). The sequence generates one ~anatomical image and one scaled flip angle map.Associated output suffixes: TB1map
Siemens rf_map TB1RFM RF Grouping Groups images acquired using rf_map product sequence by Siemens, using a method combining SE and STE images with EPI readout similar to that by (Jiru and Klose 2006). The sequence generates one ~anatomical image and one scaled flip angle map. Associated output suffixes: TB1map
Saturation‐prepared with 2 rapid Gradient Echoes (SA2RAGE) B1+ mapping TB1SRGE RF Grouping Groups images for B1+ field mapping (Eggenschwiler et al. 2011). SA2RAGE uses a ratio of two saturation recovery images with different time delays, and a simulated look-up table to estimate B1+. This sequence can also be used in conjunction with MP2RAGE T1 mapping to iteratively improve B1+ and T1 map estimation (Marques & Gruetter 2013). Associated output suffixes: TB1map
B1- field correction RB1COR RF Grouping Groups low resolution images acquired by the body coil (in the gantry of the scanner) and the head coil using identical acquisition parameters to generate a combined sensitivity map as described in Papp et al. (2016). Associated output suffixes: RB1map

Entity specifications for RF field mapping grouping suffixes


The fa entity MUST be used to distinguish images with this suffix:

└── sub-01/
     └── fmap/
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_TB1DAM.nii.gz
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_TB1DAM.json
         ├── sub-01_fa-2_TB1DAM.nii.gz
         └── sub-01_fa-2_TB1DAM.json


The fa and echo entities MUST be used to distinguish images with this suffix. The use of fa follows the default convention. However, this suffix defines a specific use case for the echo entity:

echo-1 echo-2
Lower EchoTime Higher EchoTime
Spin Echo (SE) image Stimulated Echo (STE) image

At each FlipAngle, the TB1EPI suffix lists two images acquired at two echo times. The first echo is a spin echo (SE) formed by the pulses alpha-2alpha. However, the second echo in this method is generated in a different fashion compared to a typical MESE acquisition. The second echo is a stimulated echo (STE) that is formed by an additional alpha pulse (i.e., alpha-2alpha-alpha).

The FlipAngle value corresponds to the nominal flip angle value of the STE pulse. The nominal FA value of the SE pulse is twice this value.

Note that the following metadata fields MUST be defined in the accompanying JSON files:

Field name Definition
TotalReadoutTime The effective readout length defined as EffectiveEchoSpacing * PEReconMatrix, with EffectiveEchoSpacing = TrueEchoSpacing / PEacceleration
MixingTime Time interval between the SE and STE pulses

To properly identify constituents of this particular method, values of the echo entity MUST index the images as follows:

└── sub-01/
     └── fmap/
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_echo-1_TB1EPI.nii.gz (SE)
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_echo-1_TB1EPI.json
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_echo-2_TB1EPI.nii.gz (STE)
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_echo-2_TB1EPI.json
         ├── sub-01_fa-2_echo-1_TB1EPI.nii.gz (SE)
         ├── sub-01_fa-2_echo-1_TB1EPI.json
         ├── sub-01_fa-2_echo-2_TB1EPI.nii.gz (STE)
         └── sub-01_fa-2_echo-2_TB1EPI.json


This method calculates a B1+ map from two images acquired at two interleaved excitation repetition times (TR). Note that there is not an entity for the TR and its definition depends on the modality (functional or anatomical) in the specification.

Therefore, to properly identify constituents of this particular method, values of the acq entity SHOULD begin with either tr1 (lower TR) or tr2 (higher TR) and MAY be followed by freeform entries:

First TR Second TR Use case
_acq-tr1 _acq-tr2 Single acquisition
_acq-tr1Test _acq-tr2Test Acquisition Test
_acq-tr1Retest _acq-tr2Retest Acquisition Retest
└── sub-01/
     └── fmap/
         ├── sub-01_acq-tr1_TB1AFI.nii.gz
         ├── sub-01_acq-tr1_TB1AFI.json
         ├── sub-01_acq-tr2_TB1AFI.nii.gz
         └── sub-01_acq-tr2_TB1AFI.json


These suffixes describe two outputs generated by Siemens tfl_b1_map and rf_map product sequences, respectively. Both sequences output two images. The first image appears like an anatomical images and the second output is a scaled flip angle map.

To properly identify constituents of this particular method, values of the acq entity SHOULD begin with either anat or famp and MAY be followed by freeform entries:

Anatomical (like) image Scaled FA map Use case
_acq-anat _acq-famp Single acquisition
_acq-anatTest _acq-fampTest Acquisition Test
_acq-anatRetest _acq-fampRetest Acquisition Retest
└── sub-01/
     └── fmap/
         ├── sub-01_acq-anat_TB1TFL.nii.gz 
         ├── sub-01_acq-anat_TB1TFL.json
         ├── sub-01_acq-famp_TB1TFL.nii.gz
         └── sub-01_acq-famp_TB1TFL.json

The example above applies to the TB1RFM suffix as well.


This method generates a sensitivity map by combining two low resolution images collected by two transmit coils (the body and the head coil) upon subsequent scans with identical acquisition parameters.

To properly identify constituents of this particular method, values of the acq entity SHOULD begin with either body or head and MAY be followed by freeform entries:

Body coil Head coil Use case
_acq-body _acq-head Single acquisition
_acq-bodyMTw _acq-headMTw MTw for MPM
_acq-bodyPDw _acq-headPDw PDw for MPM
_acq-bodyT1w _acq-headT1w T1w for MPM
└── sub-01/
     └── fmap/
         ├── sub-01_acq-body_RB1COR.nii.gz (Body coil)
         ├── sub-01_acq-body_RB1COR.json
         ├── sub-01_acq-head_RB1COR.nii.gz (Head coil)
         └── sub-01_acq-head_RB1COR.json

Where to place RF field maps?

If the provenance record of the RF field map generation is NOT accessible:

RF field maps lacking provenance are directly placed at the /sub-#/fmap directory.

If the provenance record of the RF rield map generation is available:

RF field maps SHOULD be stored in the derivatives folder, but MAY be symbolic linked to the corresponding raw data directory to facilitate the easy use of these images as input to processing workflows implemented as BIDS-apps. For example:

 ├── derivatives/
 |   └── qMRI-software/
 |       └── sub-01/
 |           └── fmap/
 |               ├── sub-01_acq-PDw_RB1map.nii.gz        ─────────┐ 
 |               ├── sub-01_acq-PDw_RB1map.json          ───────┐ | 
 |               ├── sub-01_TB1map.nii.gz                ─────┐ | | 
 |               └── sub-01_TB1map.json                  ───┐ | | | 
 └── sub-01/                                                | | | | S
     └── fmap/                                              | | | | Y
         ├── sub-01_acq-bodyPDw_RB1COR.nii.gz               | | | | M
         ├── sub-01_acq-bodyPDw_RB1COR.json                 | | | | L
         ├── sub-01_acq-headPDw_RB1COR.nii.gz               | | | | I
         ├── sub-01_acq-headPDw_RB1COR.json                 | | | | N
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_TB1DAM.nii.gz                      | | | | K
         ├── sub-01_fa-1_TB1DAM.json                        | | | | 
         ├── sub-01_fa-2_TB1DAM.nii.gz                      | | | | T
         ├── sub-01_fa-2_TB1DAM.json                        | | | | O
         ├── sub-01_acq-PDw_RB1map.nii.gz      ◀────────────├─├─├─┘
         ├── sub-01_acq-PDw_RB1map.json        ◀────────────├─├─┘
         ├── sub-01_TB1map.nii.gz              ◀────────────├─┘
         └── sub-01_TB1map.json                ◀────────────┘